New York portfolio uploaded

After long time, the New York portfolio is finally uploaded.  The trip was in June 2012 and it took a lot of time to select the photos from over 1000 shots and post-process them. During that time I become familiar with some new features of LightRoom so many of them were post-processed twice.

In total 84 photos are included, which are too many but I decided to include a couple of shots from every main location/attraction I have been making it a photo tour rather than selecting the best or most artistic ones, not that it would be easy to do it.

I was fascinated by New York and I was taking photos of everything in a real Japanese mode and although I know this is not the best strategy I just couldn’t resist, I was so much into the  great atmosphere of New York.

It was the very first time I was using my brand new 24mm lens bought during the Hong Kong trip (in that trip most photos are with the 35mm lens). I thought it was going to be easy to shot with a wider angle but it turned out to be much more difficult than I thought; also shooting in big cities is not as easy as it seems.  The main difficulty was almost always due to distortion not knowing where to align my frame and what to keep straight, vertical or horizontal lines. Serious straightening took place in post-processing (learning the “R” shortcut key was a great help 🙂 Many objects can fit in the wide-angle so many shots looked cluttered and unorganized without any balance. Cropping solved some of these but since objects were further away, quality wasn’t as good. I guess the main thing was that I staid far away from my subject even when I could get closer. In many cases I also didn’t include a near object to take advance of the wide-angle perspective. It also seems that the lens is not as crisp as the 35 mm one. But on the other hand it provided some very nice wide views of Brooklyn Bridge and Manhattan from Brooklyn heights and from top of the rock.

I hope I learnt something and looking forward to use the 24mm again in a more creative way!

Brooklyn Bridge and the River Cafe at night.


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