My participation to the Mont Blanc Marathon 90K 2018 was an unforgettable experience! Amazing views to alpine scenery, professional level of organization, great volunteers and supporters, elite athletes (including Kilian Jornet himself) and all these in an amazing atmosphere in Chamomix where everything was moving around trail running and outdoor activities!
What else to ask for in this dream-like trail running escape to Chamonix?!
Start of the race at 4:00 am More than one thousand runners in the beautiful center of Chamonix ready to go. This year, temperatures were high enough to start with short sleeves even at this hour.
The race starts with a steep ascent and majestic views to Mont Blanc and the peak at 4810m The first morning light on the peaks of the mountain with the racers climbing up above Chamonix valley.
Racers become one with the alpine flowers as they fill the slope.
Further up before the first main station at Brevent with amazing views to the mountain range.
Panorama of the whole Mont Blanc massif under the rising sun.
There are few places where assistance is needed but nothing really extreme.
After Flegere, some less steep parts of the race. There are streams at several places which helped a lot with the increasing heat during the day.
Huge pine trees in an impressive forest after the main Le Buet station.
High plateaus before and after Loriaz at 1995m
The most demanding ascent of the race under the midday heat, the climb to Emosson dam and station!
After the endless climb, a much expected going down to the magnificent dam lake and the Emosson station. There was snow in various parts of the race, without generating any serious problems.
The Emosson station and lake in Switzerland. A key station after the exhausting ascent at 43 Km in the middle of the race offered great views and support!
Refreshed after the very well staffed and supportive station.
Going down to Châtelard village through an amazing forest. The race route was clear without any issues at all!
Starting the ascent to L’ Arolette at 2323m
Breathtaking alpine views at the Catogne plateaus just above 2000m
After the main station of Le Tour going to Le Bois in the Chamonix valley.
Around 20:30 at the 75 Km, during the last very difficult ascent to Montenvers, the sun starts to hide behind the opposite side of the valley.
Ascent to Montenvers at around 75 Km. The second most difficult ascent is very steep with a demanding stone terrain.
After Montenvers, towards Plan de l’Aiguille refugee (the last race stop) Chamonix lights can be seen before the endless path going down.
A moment very long waited for! The last path sign to Chamonix just before leaving the path to enter the city center towards the finish line!
Last meters to the finish line!
Tired but very happy after 90Km and 20h 06′
Tired but very happy after 90Km and 20h 06′
And some photos regarding Chamonix, Mont Blanc Marathon organization and parallel activities:
Chamonix offers an amazing atmosphere, everything moves around trail running and outdoor activities. Mont Blanc peak can be seen just above the village.
Getting the number and pack was straightforward. Well organized wit lots of volunteers.
The exhibition and market was impressive with most known companies being present.
A unique highlight was the presentation of the 42Km race elite athletes with Kilian Jornet being there.
The presentation had this very nice outcome! My race t-shirt signed by Kilian himself!
Well done!
Thank you Gianni!!